Pangerasan Junior High School was built in February 2007 and began its first official school year that same year. On land donated by Soekarseno Foundation, the founded built their first school from scratch which was to become the best (and second) junior high school in the area. With the help of High Desert International Foundation, Soekarseno Foundation was able to build the first three classrooms, one teachers’ room, three bathrooms and a sport field which is also an assembly square. In 2008, Soekarseno Foundation added four new classrooms to the school. There are currently 210 students and 13 teachers. All the students at Pangerasan Junior High School are the best in the area and have strong desire to study.
All students come from poor families and never have to pay school fees. Soekarseno Foundation also covered operational costs of the school, such as:
• teacher wages
• education resources
• electricity bills
• water bills
• other employee wages, gardeners / security guards.